Fix Iedkcs32 DLL Errors On Your PC - Working Iedkcs32 DLL Errors Fix Tutorial

Iedkcs32.dll is an important file with a main function of enabling Internet Explorer to customize browser elements like the toolbars and menus. However, despite playing a useful role, it has been reported to cause problems, and once errors are experienced by this file, message alerts are displayed on your screens especially every time you use Internet Explorer. Once this happens, you will not be able to use the browser.

What Causes IedKCS32.dll Errors?

This error may be due to the inability of Windows to load up the file properly as it might have been corrupted or lost in your system. You have to address this issue as soon as you can so you can continue to utilize your browser and stop the error messages from popping up. Examples of iedkcs32.dll error message displays that you will see on your computer are:

"iedkcs32.dll Not Found""This application failed to start because iedkcs32.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem" or "Cannot find iedkcs32.dll""The file iedkcs32.dll is missing""Cannot start Microsoft Internet Explorer. A required component is missing:iedkcs32.dll. Please install the application again".

Windows cannot correctly read the file as this file may have been corrupted, destroyed, or lost in the system as caused by infection of viruses or registry related errors. It is important to pinpoint the real reason of this error so you can fix it accordingly.

How To fix iedkcs32.dll Errors On Your Computer

To start resolving this problem, you first have to do a re-installation of the programs that may have caused this issue. Take note that the file is a component of Internet Explorer, therefore you have to install Internet Explorer again. To do this, press "Start" and then go to "Control Panel" and then select "Add / Remove Programs or Programs and Features" if you're using Windows Vista & 7. Choose Internet Explorer from the options and select "Remove" or "Uninstall" to remove the application from your computer. Finish the uninstallation process by rebooting your PC. Updated Internet Explorer versions released by Microsoft can be downloaded from their website and it is recommended that you install the most recent version.

To be certain that you completely stop this error from occurring in your computer, you have to install a new copy of iedkcx32.dll file onto your computer. This can be done by downloading the iedkcs32.dll file from the internet and then unzipping this file onto the hard drive of your PC. After that, you have to go to "C:\Windows\Systems32" and find the current iedkcs32 file. You have to change the name of the existing iedkcs32.dll to iedkcs32BACKUP.dll. The next thing to do is make a copy of this new file to C:\Windows\System32. Once pasted there, press "Start" and then select "Run" or if using Windows Vista & 7, search "Run". A dialogue box will be displayed and you have to input "cmd". Then on the blank screen, type "regsvr32iedkcs32.dll. These steps will allow your system to now properly read the file and prevent the errors from arising.

The final step is to clean the registry of your system. The "registry" is the central database where all the important files, information, settings and options are kept. As Windows loads up, it reads the files needed for it to run properly through this database. Once corrupted, damaged, or infected, the registry can potentially inflict problems like the iedkcs32.dll errors. To fix this, download and run a registry cleaning tool to make your PC error-free and operate as efficiently as expected.

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