Windows Keeps Freezing Randomly

Windows "freezes" occur when your PC cannot process the settings or options which it requires to run, leading your computer to consequently stop working, and even shut down. We've found that there are a number of different reasons why Windows may freeze, meaning that if you want to resolve the issues you're seeing with this program, you have to be able to fix any of the potential issues that your computer may have causing the issues you are experiencing. The good news is that since we've being fixing PCs for several years, we're now able to repair the majority of issues that you may be seeing on your computer - a process which can be done by following the steps outlined here:

What Are Windows Freezes?

When Windows "freezes", it basically means that your PC is unable to correctly read all the important settings, functions or options which it requires to run. Most people don't know this, but every time you use a Windows system, 100's of different files and options are being opened every day to help it operate. Although this normally works pretty well, it's often the case that Windows will corrupt or damage many of the important settings which it needs to run - leading to a large number of issues that can prevent your system from being able to run as smoothly as required. To fix this problem, you basically have to fix any of the issues which are causing the freezes to occur, which can include the likes of Windows not having the correct settings it requires to run, or your PC having a virus infection.

How To Fix Windows Freezes

The first step to fix various freezes is to ensure that none of the programs / functions that you're using when you use your computer are actually damaged or corrupted. You should make a mental note of when the freezes generally occur, and then make sure that you can identify any of the possible issues that may be at work - which will include everything from your computer not having the correct programs installed to having a series of potential issues with its settings. You may wish to uninstall any programs causing problems, as well as then updating Windows.

After that step, you should then look to use a registry cleaner to scan through your PC and fix any of the possible problems that your computer could have inside. The registry is the central database of Windows, which is used to help your PC load up everything from your most recent emails to your desktop wallpaper. If you have errors with the registry database of your system, you have to be able to repair any of the potential problems that could be caused inside it - allowing your computer to run much smoother and more effectively as a result. Using a registry cleaner will make sure that there are no potential problems with this part of your system, ensuring that your PC is able to run smoother as a result.

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